15 April 2024

It's been a long 6 months. Late October 2023 I split up with my partner of 30 years. The details don't belong in public other than so far it has been peacefully compared to some other separations I have observed. The past six months have been more about sorting out my personal life instead of worrying about code. C'est la vie I guess.

I am hoping this phase of my life is ending and I can start to do technical stuff again. End is probably not the right word, reduce in intensity there is a lot still to be done. On the technical side though there is some fun stuff on the horizon.


SDL3 is looking pretty good. My complaints about consistency seemed to be felt by others and are being addressed. The nice to have minimal 3D support won't initially be there.

Reading and Writing

The number of technical books I own seems to have grown. Write Tight by William Brohaugh is my current non fiction. It's a how to write better book.

So far it has been a good book on writing. It contains some nice techniques on writing concisely. Specific escape me but my brain has partially absorbed it and is applying it in the writing process. It's making me a better writer and editor.

An idea I have is to write blog posts with a word count of between 250 to 500. Large enough to to handle a complex topic but short enough to force focused tight writing. Editing text of that length is manageable.

This might be some small aspect of my personal life or some slice of a technical subject.